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Syska Case Study


Syska is a homegrown brand with various products: home appliances, electronics, etc. The brand wanted to hold a new position as someone approachable. Discover how we had been there and made it possible for Syska to stand in its expected position. 

Challenges & Objectives

Syska’s challenge? Crafting a campaign that would merge product relevance with a relatable emotional twist. Our solution? The birth of #InMyVeins – a campaign rooted in music’s emotional connection, perfectly capturing Syska’s essence.

Strategy & Execution

Transitioning Syska from a formal brand to a cool was our mission. We dived into the “homegrown” spirit, redefining their Bluetooth speakers and earphones. To do this, we approached some hilarious social media creators, a gymnast, a raper and a dancer.

Round one starred Ashish Bhatia, MC Altaf, and Samyukhta Hegde. Round two? Enter Funcho, Parul Arora, Sanket, and social media power couples like Arjun Kanungo and Carla, weaving emotion with products, especially on Valentine’s Day.


Our partnership birthed a unique brand identity for their audio lineup. Through our campaigns, trust and faith flourished, paving the way for a lasting strategic bond. We ticked off their campaign wish list – speed, quality content, and resonance. The entire campaign got a total of 1,080,605 views and 208,566 likes.