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Long Form vs Short Form Video: What’s Best for Marketing?

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By Arjun


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In the world of digital content, you’ll often get confused about whether to choose long-form or short-form videos for marketing. Since both of them hold unique abilities, it often becomes challenging to pick the right one.  

But don’t worry, I got you back. In this article, I’ll share a detailed view of which one you should choose based on your requirements.  All you need to do — is have clear goals, a specific target audience and find your brand voice for a perfect marketing campaign. 

What Are Long-Form and Short-Form Videos?

Suppose you’re creating a masterpiece – one can be a 150-page novel, the other a poem. Long-form videos are novels, spanning several minutes to hours, where you can explain deep into your topic. For example, this could be a 10+ minute YouTube Video, or it can also be short films and big movies.

On the other hand, short-form videos are poetic stanzas lasting a few seconds to a couple of minutes. They can grab attention swiftly. Besides, short-form video content is normally social media short videos on TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube shorts, etc. 

Long Form vs Short Form Video for Marketing

All right, now let’s jump into the comparison! But before we proceed, I must tell you that both long-form and short-form video content have their own unique features. 

long form vs short form video

If you don’t choose the right one for your specific campaign, it will not bring out the expected results. Hence, make sure to select the right content type based on your requirements. 

The Power of Short-Form Videos

If you know the phrase, “Chota packet bada dhamaka”, short-form content is also the same. These videos pack a punch when it’s a matter of capturing attention. In our world of endless scrolling, a quick, snappy video can be a game-changer. 

Ask yourself — How often have you lost yourself scrolling through captivating Reels, addicted by 15-second clips? Very often, correct? Well, that’s the magic of short-form content.

And let’s not forget the playground of social media – short-form videos are the VIP guests. They dance through Instagram Reels and TikTok trends, ruling the kingdom of shareability and virality. So, if your marketing campaign aims to conquer social media feeds, short-form is your trusty steed.

The Credibility of Long-Form Videos

Now, let’s journey to the land of long-form videos. Long-form videos offer the very depth that gives more information in detail. When narrating a complex concept or a compelling story, a longer video lets you stretch your creative muscles and provide a comprehensive experience.

Moreover, long-form videos are your gateway to establishing authority. For example, suppose you’re giving an in-depth presentation explaining your industry. So this time, when you showcase your expertise, it makes you earn the title of “knowledgeable authority.”

Choosing the Right Format for Your Campaign

Okay, so now comes the crucial question: Which one should you choose for marketing? 

And the answer lies within your campaign’s goals. Short-form videos are your golden ticket if you want to create curiosity and quick engagement. 

However, if your objective is to educate, elaborate, and establish a solid foundation of credibility and trust, long-form videos are your companions on this journey.

SEO Benefits of Video Length

Short-form videos hold the power of virality. People like sharing short videos, which creates a great impact in boosting your campaign’s reach. On the other hand, long-form videos are gems of keywords and detailed information. 

However, Google’s search algorithms praise long-form content, potentially giving your campaign a thumbs-up in the search rankings. Hence, if SEO is your priority, you should focus on long-form content. 

Final Verdict: Long Form or Short Video Content

So finally, the long-form vs short-form video battle has ended for marketing. There’s no final winner here in this comparison. It all comes down to your requirements – the goals of your campaign, the target audience, the products and many more things. Imagine your campaign as a canvas – short-form paints vibrant strokes of quick engagement, while long-form creates masterpieces of knowledge. 

Remember that your marketing campaign’s success firmly depends on your understanding of your audience and goals. Whether you opt for the credibility of long-form storytelling or captivating short-form clips, your message should always resonate. 


Are short form or long form videos better for brands?

Absolutely! Short-form videos are great for brands. They capture attention quickly and fit modern attention spans. They’re perfect for social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Engaging visuals and a concise message can work wonders.

Why use short videos for marketing?

Short videos shine in marketing due to their snackable nature. They cater to busy audiences who want quick information. Visual storytelling in seconds can boost brand awareness, engagement, and shareability.

Why are short-form videos successful?

Short-form videos work because they match how we consume content today. They’re easy to digest, share, and remember. Their bite-sized appeal grabs viewers amidst the digital noise. 

Is long form content better than short form?

Long-form and short-form content serve different purposes. Long form offers in-depth insights, while short form suits busy viewers. Balance both based on goals and audience preferences. Remember, variety keeps content engaging!

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