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Garena Case Study


Garena is a well-known global online game developer in Southeast Asia, Taiwan, and Latin America. The brand is constantly expanding its horizons from its Singapore base. This case study delves into their vibrant Diwali campaign with BTDT-Media, a captivating music video with ambitious goals.

Challenges & Objectives

Diwali presented Garena with an opportunity to shine to expand its market in India. Their catchy electronic music video aimed to trend at #1 on YouTube, earning a minimum of 5 million views on launch day. 

Under the hashtag ‘#FreefireDiwali, influencers sparked anticipation with insta stories, building hype around the release.

Strategy & Execution

We divided our strategy into two phases. Initially, influencers teased the video, grooving and discussing it in Instagram stories. Then, celebrity dancers replicated the video’s hook step, urging viewers to watch the entire video. 

With a budget of RS.30 lakhs, we engaged 27 influencers who garnered over 9 million views for the music video.


With a dynamic mix of influencers, music, and strategic messaging, the Diwali campaign achieved extraordinary results for Garena. Their music video took the spotlight, proving the impact of well-executed influencer-driven campaigns.

For more information, feel free to contact us.