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4 Different Types of Influencers You Should Know for Marketing

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By Arjun

influencer marketing

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No doubt, influencer marketing is like a never-losing force to skyrocket brands and businesses. All you need to do is collaborate with the right influencer for your marketing. To do that precisely, you must know different types of influencers for marketing and how they can affect your branding.

If you’ve got here from searching for the exact different types of influencers, you won’t have to look further. In this post, I’ve covered four main types of influencers for marketing. 

4 Types of Influencers for Marketing

Let’s understand this like a galaxy with so many stars, and you’re looking for some specific ones. You will find many popular faces on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and other places. 

But when it comes to choosing the right influencer for your brand, it becomes challenging. Normally, there are four types of influencers – Mega, Macro, Micro and Nano. 

4 different types of influencers for marketing

I’ve covered all of them with an apt description. 

So let’s start the discovery of starts.

1. Mega Influencers: Celebrities of the Digital Realm

Influencers with a follower count beyond 1 million are mega influencers. These mega influencers are the celebs of the digital world. 

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Some of these influencers are no less than film stars because of their huge and loyal fan following. Just think about Bhuban Bam, Ashish Chanchlani, and others.

But here’s the cosmic catch! Their relationships with followers might be as distant as Pluto is from the Sun. They’re more famous than influential, but do they pack a punch? 

Mega influencers are your go-to for reaching the masses. But keep in mind their stardom comes at a high price – which is enough to afford 4-6 micro-influencers.

2. Macro Influencers: Niche Experts with a Twist

Now, let’s focus our telescopes on macro influencers with follower counts ranging from 100,000 to a million. They’re like cosmic experts in a specific field, be it fashion, fitness, or beyond. 

Unlike the Megas, they gained their fame by crafting engaging content that resonated with their specific niche. Moreover, macro-influencers have better loyal followers compared to the mega influencers.

Anyway, if you’re aiming for a targeted audience with a dash of authority, Macro influencers will be your star guides. 

They’re like astronomers with a telescope, helping you spot your ideal customers amidst the cosmic crowd. Their reach might be smaller, but that is effective.

3. Micro-Influencers: Engagement Stars in a Niche Sky

Micro-influencers are like the hidden gems in the night sky. They have 1,000 to 100,000 followers. The number might seem small, but don’t you dare ignore its power!

Micro-influencers are not about the numbers; they’re about engagement. Like constellations following the North Star, their loyal followers hang on to their every word.

Micro-influencers are often niche experts, offering genuine insights. What’s their strength? A close- connection with their audience, like close-knit galaxies in the cosmic expanse. 

Now, if you want to build trust among your audience and also wish to get conversions, micro-influencers are your rocket fuel.

4. Nano Influencers: Everyday Heroes of Authenticity

Finally comes the nano-influencers, the newest stars in the influencer galaxy. Their follower counts are tiny, less than 1,000. But oh, their authenticity shines bright! 

They’re like next-door neighbours, influencing their local communities and circles. And that gives them the supremacy to engage with their followers personally.

You can think of them as cosmic champions of authenticity. When they promote a product or service, it’s like your best friend recommending that he’s found something great and that you should try it as well. 

Remember, nano-influencers add a personal touch that resonates with their circle. They are very useful in bringing genuine connections to your brand.

How to Choose the Right Influencer for Your Brand

As you navigate this cosmic dance of influencers, remember the wisdom of Arjun Kapadia, the branding wizard. 

Consider your goals and your product. Ask yourself — Are you looking for broad appeal or laser-focused targeting? Are you selling something for the masses or a niche gem?

Mega influencers, macro influencers, micro-influencers, and nano influencers – each has its purpose in the vast universe of marketing. If your target is reaching a mass community and you’ve got a huge budget, then mega and macro influencers are good to go.

On the other hand, if you want to target a very specific community and want to secure a maximum conversion rate, micro and nano-influencers can upscale your brand.

💡Tip: Finding the perfect influencers to match your brand is often very difficult. But you can fix it with our help. Contact us for cutting-edge influencer marketing campaigns.


What are the most important influencer marketing channels?

The most important influencer channels are – Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and other social platforms. These social media channels are the different worlds where influencers share content and engage with their followers.

How does influencer marketing work?

Influencer marketing means brands with influencers to promote their products or services. Influencers, with their trusted image, craft content that resonates with their audience, effectively endorsing the brand to enhance reach and credibility.

What is the most common type of influencer?

Micro and Macro influencers are the most powerful & common. Micro-influencers possess a more intimate following, while Macro-influencers appeal to a broader but still niche audience.

Why are influencers important in marketing?

Influencers create a great impact due to their engaged followers and authentic voices. They create a connection between brands and their customers. It helps brands build trust to improve brand awareness and potential conversions.

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