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TV Ads vs digital ads comparison
TV Ads vs Digital Ads: Which One’s Better?
Arjun Kapadia

By Arjun

While thinking about a marketing campaign, you might be wondering – TV ads or digital ...

how to choose the right social media platform for your business
6 Tips To Get The Right Social Media Platform for Business
Arjun Kapadia

By Arjun

So, you want to know the best possible ways to choose the right social media ...

social media product launch
How to Plan A Product Launch On Social Media
Arjun Kapadia

By Arjun

Social media has transformed how we unveil our offerings to the world, turning it into ...

deepfake in video marketing
The Importance of Deepfake AI in Video Marketing
Arjun Kapadia

By Arjun

What if you could watch Irfan Khan again in new films? Or create a hard-to-shoot ...

how to choose the right influencer for your brand
7 Tips to Choose the Right Influencer for Your Brand
Arjun Kapadia

By Arjun

In digital marketing, the art of influencer collaboration is the forefront player that can transform ...

different types of influencers
4 Different Types of Influencers You Should Know for Marketing
Arjun Kapadia

By Arjun

No doubt, influencer marketing is like a never-losing force to skyrocket brands and businesses. All ...

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